Research and writing.
In the Fall of 2007, WMTC Director Jennifer Hill and will be pursuing a Ph. D. in Social Work at UBC Vancouver. The area of study will be an examination of how consumerism impacts new immigrant children and children in developing countries with emphasis on the collective modality and how consumer capitalist childhood is being shaped.
Goto for updates.
Concurrently, WMTC Executive Director Marc Brillinger will be pursuing an Interdisciplinary Masters at UBC Okanagan. An investigation of the manipulation and control tactics currently used to shape global culture by economic, religious, and political forces will be undertaken. Goto for updates.
Born To Buy - The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture.
Juliet B. Schor (The Overspent American, The Overworked American) clearly illustrates why we should all be concerned about the ongoing commercialization of childhood: the more involved children become in consumerism, the more anxious, depressed, ill, and unhappy they become. Outstanding Research!
"This may be the most important book of 2004"
Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia and Letters to a Young Therapist.
Online campaign underway
The Who Minds The Child? Media Education Society launches their new website on June 25, 2004, to bring awareness to the many growing issues/concerns around children's health, media saturation and marketing to children. Nationwide campaign based launch of WMTC scheduled for Oct. 2004.
New knowledge to battle marketing to children
Why should marketing to children be banned right now? Read this new book and find out....Consuming Kids: The Hostile Takeover of Childhood by Susan Linn. It's well written, extensively researched, frightening, and brilliant.
Film opens nation wide
The Corporation (Sundance Film Festival Winner) opens June 4th, nation-wide in theatres across the United States. It's a powerful look at how our children, our planet and ourselves are being used for profit. Or order the book: The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan.
Study highlights powerful information
The Kaiser Foundation has released a new study on Children and Electronic Media. It's information that every parent and professional should know.
Outdoor activities losing battle with media
A new study finds that children aged zero to six spend as much time with TV, computers and video games as playing outside
Michael Moore strikes again
At what temperature does freedom burn? Fahrenheit 9/11, the Michael Moore's film that's being acknowledged as the best film of the 2004 at the Cannes Film Festival, opens on June 25 in over 500 theatres across North America.
Debunking the myth of educational toys
The science of child development knows children need play, not "educational toys", saturation in media or endless structured lessons. And earlier is not better!! Don't believe us? Try this new book: Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How our children really learn-and why they need to play more and memorize less. Cathy Hirsch-Pasek, PH.D., Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PH.D, and Diane Eyer, PH.D. deliver a persuasive argument.