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Research has proven North American consumer culture has harmed child development. Many corporations have expended considerable effort to solicit children, an audience with no defence and no power to resist. Corporations have enticed children and their parents to believe consumption is the key to

"Children have become targets in the eyes of the corporations whose motivation is to recruit new consumers."

happiness.  There is overwhelming evidence development is being threatened and undermined for the sake of corporate economic growth.


Advertising does not simply provide choice about what is available in the market, it tells us what we “need”. We are told we must acquire money and consume to feel good about ourselves; if we are not clothed in the latest fashion attire, our identity is less significant.  Consequently, there has been a bombardment of the corporate message through seductive advertising that has proven more and more difficult for adults to resist—never mind children.


Sophisticated ad techniques have increasingly been directed at younger consumers. Children have become targets in the eyes of the corporations whose motivation is to recruit new consumers. They are being told what to think at a time when their brain is still in a vulnerable developmental stage.


There is a societal responsibility to ensure the protection of children, particularly the protection of children's minds. Parents now realize they are battling a relentless commercial force for the health, hearts, values and minds of their children.


